Stage 6-Preparation for Resolution

Stirring the Soup/Getting Ready

Making Changes

The alienated, traumatized, denied, or redirected consciousness or energy is moving towards discharge and resolution.  We feel the tension building within ourselves as this process advances.  We feel ready to do whatever it takes to get on with our lives.  We have a sense that there is something more waiting for us, and also a sense that we are not yet flexible enough or knowledgeable enough, or just not enough for what is next.  We feel hungry for what’s coming, but in this stage, we just need to actively prepare.  The sentiment is “I am ready!  I am so ready that I am determined to do whatever it takes!”

—SomatoRespiratory Integration Workbook

OK…I want you to think of the time of build-up right before you sneeze … or before you throw up … or just before a long overdue bowel movement … maybe when you were just about to break-up with that jerk boyfriend.

These are all comparable to the feeling in Stage 6.  It’s that preparation stage when you know you’ll feel/live/think better…AFTERWARDS…but everything leading up to it…not so fun!!  Stage 6 is all about preparing to discharge and resolve the energy behind the aspects of yourself that aren’t working.  You also know that you will do whatever it takes to get yourself prepared.  This is often when you may start to make major changes in your life but not from the Stage 2 consciousness of escape (See post on Stage 2).

In Stage 6, you understand that leading up to that point of resolution is quite uncomfortable but you know the payoff is worth it!!

There is a build-up of tension to create the momentum and grounding of the Bodymind so that you can release your old patterns and energy without it being a violent discharge!!!  The build-up of tension helps you know that this release or discharge is a welcome thing and highly appropriate in the event of your healing journey!!  And it feels oh so good….

Please feel free to comment below the post.  You may also visit my Contact Info page and shoot me an e-mail with any comments or questions.

Next Entry:  Stage 7–Resolution/Acceptance

About Body Harmony Chiropractic

I am a chiropractor in Minneapolis, MN specializing in Network Spinal Analysis, an innovative technique that helps you find connections between your body and your life and facilitate personal transformation. I am also a co-owner of The Healing Loft, an integrative wellness center in Northeast Minneapolis. Here I am able to practice in a collaborative environment that encourages community.

Posted on August 18, 2010, in Healing, Personal Transformation, Twelve Stages of Healing, wellness and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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