Stage 8–Emptiness in Connectedness


Effortless Flow

“After the discharge we are emptied.  Rather than a space of nothingness, we find ourselves in a place of possibilities.  We enter into a state of gratitude, vulnerability, connection with our external rhythms, and alignment with events around us.  We welcome serendipity as a natural way of life.  The sentiment is, “I do things because they feel right–not to move towards pleasure and avoid pain.  I do things because it is the time to do them.  I know that I will be supported by an abundant universe in my choices.  I experience peace when at times my thoughts, inner noise, or static cease.  I sense more room in my body for breath.  I sense the rhythms within and sometimes around me.  I feel gratitude for my connection to others and in a greater cosmic plan.”

–SomatoRespiratory Integration Workbook

Stage 8 is the first level of BEING.  It is the doorway to later states of consciousness.  You are eager for the connections that await your new awareness.  You might experience the “newness” of being separated from what you were previously connected to; however, you feel content with the separation and even excited with the energetic freedom.  Donald Epstein likens this time to the space in between grabbing the bars from a trapeze.  It is stillness and openess rolled into one.  In this space, it is easy to become more observant of your own rhythm and the rhythms that surround you.  You may feel more connected to your environment and be able to sense your alignment with others.

You can probably recall a time when you experienced a release and enjoyed  the space created by its void.  In that space, you may have felt vulnerable–yet secure–and grateful by the possibilities that filled it.  What sort of new opportunities are coming up next?

Please feel free to leave comments below this blog post. Visit the CONTACT INFORMATION page to contact Dr. Katie.

Next Week:  Stage 9–Light Behind the Form

About Body Harmony Chiropractic

I am a chiropractor in Minneapolis, MN specializing in Network Spinal Analysis, an innovative technique that helps you find connections between your body and your life and facilitate personal transformation. I am also a co-owner of The Healing Loft, an integrative wellness center in Northeast Minneapolis. Here I am able to practice in a collaborative environment that encourages community.

Posted on September 10, 2010, in chiropractic, Dr. Kathryn Fahnel DC, Twelve Stages of Healing, wellness and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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