Stage 12-Community

Receiving and Accepting Gifts

Celebration of Oneness through Diversity

We experience our involvement with humanity and recognize that wholeness comes from bringing our individual gifts into community.  This occurs in our internal and external communities.  We recognize that all of our choices are spiritual ones and affect all beings.  Our dialogue runs as follows, “At times I recognize that we are each other’s medicine, and that first, I must be my own medicine.  My life and success in life is a function of the relationships that I share with others.  I celebrate and receive divergent energies and help them to join, transforming them into new possibilities and love.  I seek those parts of my body and life that have become separate and invite them into new possibilities and love.  I seek those parts of my body and life that have become separate and invite them to join the community of self and of selves.

—SomatoRespiratory Integration Workbook

I feel that the summary above more than sufficiently describes Stage 12, so I’ll try no to ramble on too much.  In Stage 10, you experienced complete merging with Spirit that allowed you to understand the Divine connection within the Universe.  Stage 11 brought that connection to a more embodied state so you had the capability to share yourself and your gifts.  Stage 12 is the process where you actually share your gifts.  Community is not just a place where you visit; you actually DO something while BEING in connection.

In Stage 12, you are committing to actions that connect with the later stages of healing.  The key point in Stage 12 is that there is the understanding that we are each other’s medicine, bringing our gifts to each other.  But first, we must be available to ourselves.  In your inner community, your body produces its own antibiotics, insulin, pain medication, chemicals to achieve altered states of consciousness, and other elements we need to heal, grow, and function.  As a result, your body can express the perfection of the dwelling spirit that forms the core of your existence.

This afternoon, Alison James, a local professional psychic medium, provided a great example of Stage 12.  Alison was sharing incredible stories of her life (for those of you who don’t know her, she is a very gifted storyteller as well as psychic).  She told of one incident where she spontaneously went into her trance medium state and helped a young lady decide whether she wanted to stay in her body or cross over.  This story is a great example of Stage 12.  Alison knew she must utilize her gift to help this young lady because it was for the Higher Good of the Universe–no questions, no judgment, no doubt…it simply was.

Realize that being so connected to your community, you often will begin to experience more suffering that is happening in whatever circle you have decided to create.  You may find yourself back at Stage 1–Suffering/Disconnection.  This is perfectly good, as it creates another opportunity for you to progress through the Stages once again and gain a greater understanding of who you are and your place in the Universe.  The circle of your understanding of community will broaden until you really do see “Community” as all existence.

Stage 12

Primary Concept of Stage 12
  • Experiencing the range of the continuum of energies and expressions through the body
  • Embodying all 12 Stages and the wisdom and gifts we bring one another
  • Giving and receiving are not separate or different, but flow from one into another as we are all part of the same one
Questions You Ask Yourself in Stage 12
  • How can I receive others/circumstances with gratitude as gifts?
  • Where is the gift in this?
  • How can we be each other’s wisdom/medicine?
Common Emotions Experienced
  • Coming home
  • Acceptance of others as fellow souls or travelers
  • Passion for synchronicity
  • Total spectrum with foundation in benevolence and gratitude and conscious experience


Next Week:  Integrate–The Fourth Sacred Season

About Body Harmony Chiropractic

I am a chiropractor in Minneapolis, MN specializing in Network Spinal Analysis, an innovative technique that helps you find connections between your body and your life and facilitate personal transformation. I am also a co-owner of The Healing Loft, an integrative wellness center in Northeast Minneapolis. Here I am able to practice in a collaborative environment that encourages community.

Posted on October 20, 2010, in Dr. Kathryn Fahnel DC, Healing, Network Spinal Analysis, Twelve Stages of Healing, Uncategorized and tagged , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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