Practice: Love Letters

Once upon a time, friends, family, and lovers corresponded.  Whether written on cream vellum or a page torn from a notebook, their words reflected an investment of time and consideration–not a half-formed thought dashed off before pushing “Send.”  Revive the art of the letter.  Pick four people you cherish and send them each a handwritten note.  Be real, not florid.  Write from the heart.  Use beautiful stationery:  presentation counts.

About Body Harmony Chiropractic

I am a chiropractor in Minneapolis, MN specializing in Network Spinal Analysis, an innovative technique that helps you find connections between your body and your life and facilitate personal transformation. I am also a co-owner of The Healing Loft, an integrative wellness center in Northeast Minneapolis. Here I am able to practice in a collaborative environment that encourages community.

Posted on May 31, 2011, in 2011 Connection Campaign, Dr. Kathryn Fahnel DC, Healing, holistic, Personal Transformation, PostAWeek2011, Uncategorized, wellness and tagged , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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