Trails of Discovery

From any new field of knowledge, there are by-ways branching out in all directions, leading to thrilling discoveries.  If you’re pursuing an interest in, say, local history, you might get sidetracked by events on the national scale; if you’re intrigued by astronomy, you might enlarge your perspective on the topic by learning about the mythic figures who lend their names to the constellations or planets, such as Pegasus or Jupiter.  All knowledge, ultimately, is interconnected.  Illuminate your life by tracing some of the threads.

About Body Harmony Chiropractic

I am a chiropractor in Minneapolis, MN specializing in Network Spinal Analysis, an innovative technique that helps you find connections between your body and your life and facilitate personal transformation. I am also a co-owner of The Healing Loft, an integrative wellness center in Northeast Minneapolis. Here I am able to practice in a collaborative environment that encourages community.

Posted on September 14, 2011, in 2011 Connection Campaign, Dr. Kathryn Fahnel DC, Personal Transformation, PostAWeek2011, wellness and tagged , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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