Memoirs of a Detox Part 2 (I know, you’ve been waiting with bated breath, haven’t you?)

You’re anxiously awaiting how I did the rest of the month, aren’t you? 🙂  Especially over St. Patrick’s Day…

Did I fall off the wagon on St. Patrick’s Day?…..Yes

Did I eat everything NOT allowed on the detox?…..Yes

Did I beat myself up over it?…..No

Did I have fun and learn something about myself in the process?….Absolutely!!!

So the menu for St. Patrick’s Day included: wine, veggies and hummus, wine, pita chips and hummus, fruit and dip, Shepherd’s Pie, wine, chocolate stout cupcake with Jameson and chocolate ganache and Bailey’s buttercream icing, wine, birthday cake for my boyfriend Duncan, wine.  Pretty eventful night, don’t you think?

Wasn’t feeling too perky the next day, but lo and behold I am human.  So amidst all of the debauchery, how could I narrow down the culprit as to what actually made me feel like crap?  Hard to tell, so I got back on track.

Had a great two additional weeks on the detox, and I feel pretty fantastic!  So what did I learn?

1–Gluten is probably not such a good thing for me.  Once off the detox, I resumed eating “normal” foods, and bread = bloat.  No bueno.

2–I can survive without coffee.  I had more energy in the morning without eating all of the bad stuff that I found I really didn’t need coffee to wake up in the morning.  In fact, waking up got pretty easy given that I went to bed at a reasonable hour.

3–Clean water makes a difference.  When having to drink unpurified tap water, I could literally taste the chemicals.  I also felt a change in my body with the difference in the water.  Am I a bottled water snob now–no, but I run it through a Pur or Brita pitcher before drinking.

4–The subtleties of my body’s responses aren’t really so subtle.  All I have to do is pay attention, and I know better of what my body wants.  Do I always listen, no–sometimes I foolishly still think I know better. 🙂

So, I hope my own experience gives you more insight into what a good “spring cleaning” can do for you.

For more information regarding a detoxification/cleansing program or to begin your own program, you can reach Dr. Katie at or by e-mailing her at

About Body Harmony Chiropractic

I am a chiropractor in Minneapolis, MN specializing in Network Spinal Analysis, an innovative technique that helps you find connections between your body and your life and facilitate personal transformation. I am also a co-owner of The Healing Loft, an integrative wellness center in Northeast Minneapolis. Here I am able to practice in a collaborative environment that encourages community.

Posted on May 10, 2012, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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