Balance, Schmalance

Anyone else noticing that Balance is one of the hot buzzwords?

Now y’all might disagree with me, but I think the the use of the word “balance” has been overkill.  No wonder, though.  In our chaotic world, a little bit of everything being equal and accounted for sounds quite delightful.  So what is it that we really want out of achieving balance.  And, really, what does this word even mean?

I recently had a very nice interaction with a chiropractic colleague on Facebook regarding this very topic.  His provoking question was, “Do you seek health or balance?”  I thought this was a great conversation starter and really got me thinking.  We tend to think that Health and Balance are one in the same.

Read below for the actual definition of balance, according to the online Webster Dictionary.

From the online Webster’s Dictionary

As you can see, two dominant words in the definition are “equilibrium” and “static.”

In my humble  opinion, I would have to agree:  Balance = Static

Now if you look at the–ahem–finely crafted graphic below (yes, I made them myself), this is traditionally how we view balance–

Does it look like there is any movement when you are balancing?

No momentum, no movement, no ride….

The graphics below give a more accurate representation of how “balance” truly shows up in our lives.

See…Up’s and Down’s…constant movement and momentum

When you say “Balance,” you are really seeking the ability to give appropriate time and energy to priorities in your life–NOT necessarily seeking stasis.  Of course, distribution varies depending on personal values.  You may value your spiritual practice more than career, or career more than spirituality, or value both equally.  What you truly desire is to be able to devote yourself to the things that are important to you.

Energy is constantly moving between the various areas of your life.

One area is never completely separate from another because there is always  a common denominator–YOU!

It’s those times of being off-balance that cause you to want to seek a more balanced state.  Your greatest times of growth and progress are when you have deviated from balance, and chaos has become the dominant state–even if just for a moment.  This opportunity–often disguised as an obstacle–is perfect for you to take a more accurate inventory for your life.

Am I spending the time I want with my family?  Are my finances working?  Is my relationship satisfying?  Do I feel able to take care of myself?

When you are living your life out of alignment with who you are, something will always come up to get you to pay attention and change what you’re doing.  This is to get you back into alignment with who you are.

So, I encourage you to embrace when things feel off-balance as it pushes you to reorganize your current way of living to move back to a state of “balance.”

About Body Harmony Chiropractic

I am a chiropractor in Minneapolis, MN specializing in Network Spinal Analysis, an innovative technique that helps you find connections between your body and your life and facilitate personal transformation. I am also a co-owner of The Healing Loft, an integrative wellness center in Northeast Minneapolis. Here I am able to practice in a collaborative environment that encourages community.

Posted on June 21, 2012, in holistic, Personal Transformation, Uncategorized, wellness and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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