About Dr. Katie

Dr. Katie is so excited to be serving her community as a chiropractor.  In her own experience of being a chiropractic patient, she has had incredible changes in her posture, body tension, and within her own personal sense of well-being and joie de vivre.

Dr. Katie Fahnel was always curious as a child.  Her favorite question, of course, was “Why?” and one of her favorite memories was receiving her plastic microscope from the Weekly Reader book catalog.

She further developed her curiosity and love for science in biology classes in high school and college and decided to embark on a career path in biological research.   While in a nursing class at Viterbo University called Body Mind Therapies that she took “just for fun,” she experienced her own personal paradigm shift.  She now understood the concept of wellness where the idea was to focus on prevention and looking at one’s overall well-being.  Chiropractic seemed a natural marriage between her science background and her desire to help people become well.

Dr. Katie currently specializes in Network Spinal Analysis, a unique and innovative approach to chiropractic that helps to reduce pain and tension within the body by activating the body’s innate ability to heal.  In addition to reducing pain and tension, Network helps to create more body awareness and a greater sense of well-being.  Click here to learn more about Network.

Call 612-356-2872 to make your appointment and be free from your pain.