Category Archives: Uncategorized

One Part Zombie Apocalypse, One Part Neuroscience…

Now if you’re ever-so curious about how these could be even remotely related, have a gander at the video below.

Link to special offer

Balance, Schmalance

Anyone else noticing that Balance is one of the hot buzzwords?

Now y’all might disagree with me, but I think the the use of the word “balance” has been overkill.  No wonder, though.  In our chaotic world, a little bit of everything being equal and accounted for sounds quite delightful.  So what is it that we really want out of achieving balance.  And, really, what does this word even mean?

I recently had a very nice interaction with a chiropractic colleague on Facebook regarding this very topic.  His provoking question was, “Do you seek health or balance?”  I thought this was a great conversation starter and really got me thinking.  We tend to think that Health and Balance are one in the same.

Read below for the actual definition of balance, according to the online Webster Dictionary.

From the online Webster’s Dictionary

As you can see, two dominant words in the definition are “equilibrium” and “static.”

In my humble  opinion, I would have to agree:  Balance = Static

Now if you look at the–ahem–finely crafted graphic below (yes, I made them myself), this is traditionally how we view balance–

Does it look like there is any movement when you are balancing?

No momentum, no movement, no ride….

The graphics below give a more accurate representation of how “balance” truly shows up in our lives.

See…Up’s and Down’s…constant movement and momentum

When you say “Balance,” you are really seeking the ability to give appropriate time and energy to priorities in your life–NOT necessarily seeking stasis.  Of course, distribution varies depending on personal values.  You may value your spiritual practice more than career, or career more than spirituality, or value both equally.  What you truly desire is to be able to devote yourself to the things that are important to you.

Energy is constantly moving between the various areas of your life.

One area is never completely separate from another because there is always  a common denominator–YOU!

It’s those times of being off-balance that cause you to want to seek a more balanced state.  Your greatest times of growth and progress are when you have deviated from balance, and chaos has become the dominant state–even if just for a moment.  This opportunity–often disguised as an obstacle–is perfect for you to take a more accurate inventory for your life.

Am I spending the time I want with my family?  Are my finances working?  Is my relationship satisfying?  Do I feel able to take care of myself?

When you are living your life out of alignment with who you are, something will always come up to get you to pay attention and change what you’re doing.  This is to get you back into alignment with who you are.

So, I encourage you to embrace when things feel off-balance as it pushes you to reorganize your current way of living to move back to a state of “balance.”

Memoirs of a Detox Part 2 (I know, you’ve been waiting with bated breath, haven’t you?)

You’re anxiously awaiting how I did the rest of the month, aren’t you? 🙂  Especially over St. Patrick’s Day…

Did I fall off the wagon on St. Patrick’s Day?…..Yes

Did I eat everything NOT allowed on the detox?…..Yes

Did I beat myself up over it?…..No

Did I have fun and learn something about myself in the process?….Absolutely!!!

So the menu for St. Patrick’s Day included: wine, veggies and hummus, wine, pita chips and hummus, fruit and dip, Shepherd’s Pie, wine, chocolate stout cupcake with Jameson and chocolate ganache and Bailey’s buttercream icing, wine, birthday cake for my boyfriend Duncan, wine.  Pretty eventful night, don’t you think?

Wasn’t feeling too perky the next day, but lo and behold I am human.  So amidst all of the debauchery, how could I narrow down the culprit as to what actually made me feel like crap?  Hard to tell, so I got back on track.

Had a great two additional weeks on the detox, and I feel pretty fantastic!  So what did I learn?

1–Gluten is probably not such a good thing for me.  Once off the detox, I resumed eating “normal” foods, and bread = bloat.  No bueno.

2–I can survive without coffee.  I had more energy in the morning without eating all of the bad stuff that I found I really didn’t need coffee to wake up in the morning.  In fact, waking up got pretty easy given that I went to bed at a reasonable hour.

3–Clean water makes a difference.  When having to drink unpurified tap water, I could literally taste the chemicals.  I also felt a change in my body with the difference in the water.  Am I a bottled water snob now–no, but I run it through a Pur or Brita pitcher before drinking.

4–The subtleties of my body’s responses aren’t really so subtle.  All I have to do is pay attention, and I know better of what my body wants.  Do I always listen, no–sometimes I foolishly still think I know better. 🙂

So, I hope my own experience gives you more insight into what a good “spring cleaning” can do for you.

For more information regarding a detoxification/cleansing program or to begin your own program, you can reach Dr. Katie at or by e-mailing her at

Sometimes Ya Just Gotta Wiggle

I recently posted an article on Facebook about worms (ew!) and their navigational ability when many obstacles were present.  The findings suggested that the worms could navigate through any space when there were more obstacles present because there were more surfaces for them to bounce off of and use that velocity to propel them through the space.  All they had to do was wiggle more!

I thought this a great analogy to what we humans do when faced with an obstacle.  Do we stay stuck in one place?  Or do we find a way to bounce our own momentum off of it to propel us to a new place?

This was also a great reminder to wiggle–both literally wiggle your body and “wiggle” metaphorically to get your momentum grooving again.  When you feel stuck in life, chances are you feel stuck in some part of your body.  Find that place of stuckness and really FEEL it!  Connect with your stuck.  Make it fun like you’re walking around in this globby, mucky mud.  Then wiggle…

To learn more about Dr. Katie Fahnel, visit

Set Your Intention for September

Latest words of wisdom from the One Spirit Book of Days:

I’m committed to lifelong learning.  I continually open myself to new ideas.  I make a point of informing myself on all sides of an issue.

Kitchen Oasis

Kitchens often bustle with action but if you’re cooking alone, use slow, careful work as a mindful meditation.  Appreciate the flavorsome smells and natural textures.  Utilize good quality tools; sharpen your knives when they need it.  Avoid electric aids and relish the efficiency of old-fashioned chopping, stirring, and whisking.  Do the dishes by hand, too, instead of resorting to the dishwasher.  Take pride in your kitchen skills:  relish this most wholesome and vital of household activities.

Project: Make a Wish Come True

There are organizations that make children’s wishes come true.  Why not do the same for your dream?  Never mind how improbable it seems, you’re going to live it till it’s real.  Want to see Africa?  Immerse yourself in the music, food, clothes, DVDs of the animals and countryside.  Study African drumming or dance.  Learn Swahili, lingua franca of East Africa, or French for the West.  When the opportunity arises you’ll be halfway there.

July-Set Your Intention

I’m searching my heart for forgotten dreams and wishes.  In reclaiming long-lost desires and secret fantasies, I reconnect with long-buried parts of myself.

Connect to this affirmation to reconnect to childhood dreams.

Happy Friday!

Project: Be a Nature Advocate

Rachel Carson, environmental activist and author of Silent Spring

Everyone loves something about nature, whether it’s birds or seals or old-growth forest–or simply the prospect of drinking safe water and breathing clean air.  Pick a cause you resonate with and find a group doing good in the area.  Or start one, if necessary.  For inspiration, research pioneering environmentalists like Jane Goodall (chimps), Rachel Carson (oceans), and Miriam Rothschild (butterflies and wildflowers).  Volunteer at your local botanical garden or animal shelter.

Wind in Your Hair

Words of wisdom from the One Spirit Book of Days for this week:

In its fusion of rider and machine, cycling has a Zen purity.  You may not feel this in town, among the car fumes and careless drivers.  But whenever you get the chance, do some cycling in the countryside:  it’s the ideal way to travel through a wild landscape, so long as the hills are gentle and the road surfaces smooth.  Coastal cycling is a particular pleasure.  If you’re lucky enough to find a small, flat island with a good coast road, you might even be able to do a circular tour without once losing sight of the sea!