Insomnia | Chiropractic Care

“Can’t sleep, clown will eat me.  Can’t sleep, clown will eat me.”

~ Bart Simpson, from Lisa’s First Word

Some may think clowns are funny, but insomnia is nothing to laugh at.  You know those nights where you either toss and turn anxiously awaiting Mr. Sandman?  Or you wake at 2:23 AM, begin thinking of everything on your to-do list for the next day, and hopelessly cannot fall back asleep?

So often we cannot get adequate sleep because we live in our minds, racing around and around the same thoughts over and over again.  By establishing a better connection with the body with chiropractic, we bring the focus out of the mind and back into our physical senses.  We also induce the body into the natural “rest and digest” neurological pathway to welcome sleep more easily.  Many people report having to take a nap after their first couple of sessions.

Send your request for an initial evaluation with Dr. Katie by e-mailing