Stiffness | Chiropractic Care

If you wake up in the morning and notice a lot of moaning and groaning coming from both your mouth and your joints, chiropractic care may be an excellent option for you.

NSA chiropractic helps to increase the awareness of your body so you’re able to pay better attention to its needs.

Example, if you’re gardening for 4 hours and don’t pay attention to the urge to stretch, move, walk around, make noise, and just take a moment of rest, chances are you’ll be paying for it later.  Keeping your body in a prolonged position is a recipe for creating stiffness in the joints and muscles.

If you’re gardening for 4 hours and listen to your body’s need to change position, move around, stretch, take a break, etc. your body will thank  you in the long run.

Maintaining movement, flexibility, and lubrication throughout the muscles and joints is very important, and the more efficient your mind-body connection, the less likely you are to develop stiffness.

To begin to teach your body to pay attention, e-mail us at to set up your first visit.