Blog Archives

Herbal Habitat

A small-scale windowsill herb garden is an excellent way to derive relaxation from the graceful art of nurturing–especially if you don’t have a pet.  Regard your herb garden as a miniature ecosystem of which you are chief warden.  Make it your responsibility to keep the herbs tidy and healthy.  Learning the Latin names of the herbs will help to instill a sense of pride.  When the time comes, be sure you get to sample the flavors.

Practice: Stretch Time

Great daily habit suggested by the One Spirit Book of Days:

Nobody’s day is long enough.  So how can you make more time for yourself?  Spend 20-30 minutes daily sitting quietly, doing nothing.  Turn off all media.  At first you’ll probably be restless, antsy.  Observe your state of mind.  Are you anxious, impatient, or bored?  As the days go by and you continue the practice, watch how your body and mind adjust to the calm quiet.  See if time doesn’t magically attenuate.

Kitchen Oasis

Kitchens often bustle with action but if you’re cooking alone, use slow, careful work as a mindful meditation.  Appreciate the flavorsome smells and natural textures.  Utilize good quality tools; sharpen your knives when they need it.  Avoid electric aids and relish the efficiency of old-fashioned chopping, stirring, and whisking.  Do the dishes by hand, too, instead of resorting to the dishwasher.  Take pride in your kitchen skills:  relish this most wholesome and vital of household activities.

Set Your Intention for August

My favorite part of summer is doing nothing special.  I’m taking time to relax and restore my energy so I can move into fall with renewed enthusiasm.

I like this affirmation for August, especially with Back to School season in full force!  Happy Wednesday everybody!

Fruit Harvest

Between blossom and fruit there is a long interlude of waiting…

From orchards, indeed from nature in general, we learn a humbling lesson about patience.  There are times when we can hasten the processes under our control–for example, we can work faster to build a wall.  But there are other times when we must accept our powerlessness:  all we can do is observe and protect the fruit crop.  Master the art of patience and you’ll know something important about the human condition.

Slow Down


All that activity these past few months is exhilarating, but it can also be exhausting.  Take time out to refresh and reflect on your progress.  Any adjustments you need to make to stay on track for your best year ever?  Take care of business, then settle down to simple, old-fashioned pleasures–gardening, midnight swims, badminton, family cookouts, shopping at the farmers’ market.  Organize your journal and any photos or videos you’ve taken.

Project: Make a Wish Come True

There are organizations that make children’s wishes come true.  Why not do the same for your dream?  Never mind how improbable it seems, you’re going to live it till it’s real.  Want to see Africa?  Immerse yourself in the music, food, clothes, DVDs of the animals and countryside.  Study African drumming or dance.  Learn Swahili, lingua franca of East Africa, or French for the West.  When the opportunity arises you’ll be halfway there.


Virtuosity…Great word, isn’t it?  Latest words of wisdom from the One Spirit Book of Days.  Enjoy the symphony!

To be skilled is always a source of satisfaction; to be brilliant is even more rewarding.  There’s a special reward to be gained when others can benefit from your abilities (as with practical skills such as carpentry or accounting) or take pleasure in them (as with music or sports).  Take lessons to develop your best talents even further.  Set yourself targets and strive to achieve them.  Brilliant performers enter a zone of excellence, far from everyday stresses.  Discover this magic realm.

Practice: Revisit Your Secret Self

Here is a fun little exercise courtesy of the One Spirit Book of Days:

Did you have a secret self in childhood, someone you pretended to be–a fairy princess, perhaps, or a cartoon hero, or your history teacher?  Invite your secret self to visit.  Close your eyes and visualize it sitting in a chair.  Ask questions; listen to its wisdom.  When you’re finished, say goodbye, and in your journal, record highlights of your conversation.  What insights did your Secret Self offer?

Animal Totems

Shamans have always enjoyed a close relationship with animals, even creatures of the hunt.  Many seekers today work with an inner animal on a journey of self-development.  Such animals may help us find unexpected qualities within ourselves–a lion can help us find courage, a cat can sensitize our feelings.  Your intuition will tell you which animal is right for you.  Summon that creature as a companion in your meditations.  Use its instinctive wisdom to illuminate your path.

Curious about what your animal totem(s) is/are?  A very gifted artist, local to the Twin Cities, Jenifer Morrisette is a specialist in providing spiritual animal totem portraits.  For more information, click here to view her website and get to know Jen and the talent she has been given.