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Practical Destiny









This exercise from the One Spirit Book of Days daily planner is a great combination of your passion and planning through the simple process of introspection and reflection.  However, be careful that you don’t get too cerebral and focus more on what you feel and what your gut is telling you.

In ancient Greece, soothsayers would divine the future from patterns of birds in the sky.  Today, the Tarot is popular as a system of self-revelation that enables us to set a path for ourselves more reliably.  But a simpler way to discover your destiny is to look into the core of the self without anxiety or delusion.  Set aside quiet time and do an audit of who you are and what you value.  The feelings that cross your heart will tell you more than any augury of birds ever could.

Of course, if you’re having a challenging time trusting your intuition, you can utilize tools to help point you in the right direction.  Popular ones are Tarot, pendulums, muscle testing, runes, and dowsing rods.  But ALWAYS double check and see if the outcome resonates with your own intuitive guidance.

Stage 7–Resolution


Discharge of bio-electric energy is associated with a discharge of mechanical energy.  This may be a discharge of the muscular system, or fever, coughing, sneezing, or vomiting.  Crying, screaming, and laughing are also discharge phenomena.  When the discharge occurs after the previous six stages, resolution can occur with the discharge.  A sense of accomplishment, satisfaction, peace, and inner strength accompanies the process when resolution occurs.  The sentiment is, “I am so ready to scream and not only discharge, but resolve the recurrent energy pattern distracting me from who I really am!  I am fully committed to do this now.  I must let go of this now!

–SomatoRespiratory Integration Workbook

To dis-charge means to eliminate a charge.  Successful discharge is bringing the BodyMind from a state of distress towards ease.  This result is RESOLUTION!!  All of the uncomfortable build-up and preparation you experienced in Stage 6 is officially released–in an empowering way–as you move into Stage 7.

If discharge occurs at an earlier stage of healing–say Stage 1 or 2 (read earlier posts), you often focus on what was lost.  When this happens, the tension between your True Self and the disconnected parts of yourself increases.  You feel discharge at that time is an unwelcome event because you still have attachments or a need to those parts of you that you are giving up.

When discharge occurs in Stage 7, your focus is primarily on the wholeness of your being that is eliminating something you no longer need and does not serve you.  It is then a welcome event that you have prepared yourself to expect.

As the discharge process develops, you begin to feel the alternating building of tension and release of tension.  You have mixed emotions of relief this can finally happen and disappointment that it has to be uncomfortable.  Then the rhythm begins to take control of your physiology, and you lose complete thought and control over it.  The end of Stage 7 is characterized by a completion of the discharge with a sense of resolution.

Once you have completely resolved the old energy and patterns held within the BodyMind that no longer serve you, all that is left is emptiness….

Next week:  Letting Yourself Go…Moving from the Season of Transform to the Season of Awaken