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Sometimes Ya Just Gotta Wiggle

I recently posted an article on Facebook about worms (ew!) and their navigational ability when many obstacles were present.  The findings suggested that the worms could navigate through any space when there were more obstacles present because there were more surfaces for them to bounce off of and use that velocity to propel them through the space.  All they had to do was wiggle more!

I thought this a great analogy to what we humans do when faced with an obstacle.  Do we stay stuck in one place?  Or do we find a way to bounce our own momentum off of it to propel us to a new place?

This was also a great reminder to wiggle–both literally wiggle your body and “wiggle” metaphorically to get your momentum grooving again.  When you feel stuck in life, chances are you feel stuck in some part of your body.  Find that place of stuckness and really FEEL it!  Connect with your stuck.  Make it fun like you’re walking around in this globby, mucky mud.  Then wiggle…

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