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The Fourth Sacred Season–Integrate

“Integrate:  To form, coordinate, or blend into a functioning or unified whole; to incorporate into a larger unit.”

—-Merriam-Webster Dictionary

OK, so you’ve experienced all 12 Stages…now what?

By experiencing all 12 Stages you have now created and developed the strategies to be able to consciously observe yourself and your life.

In the season of Integrate, you can consciously choose which seasons can be blended together to create the season, stage, experience, and internal reality of your choice.  You can revisit a previous season while still keeping the perspective from a different season.  For instance, you may be in Discover surrounding a situation–using language like “I don’t know why this is happening” “Why doesn’t this end?”–and still have the underlying consciousness of Awaken–wondering “Where is the gift in this suffering?”

It makes sense that you are never completely immersed in one Season at one time.  As a highly complex creature, you will pull wisdom from your being to form a customized plan to live out the situation.  The Season of Integrate is truly an opportunity for you to create “a more unified whole.”

Next Week: Dr. Katie will begin a five part series of Nutrition, Stress Management, and Self-Care for the Holidays!!