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Stage 11–Descent

Gift Giving/ Prophet Like


When you first hear “descent,” you probably automatically think hellfire and damnation.  Not the case this time…

If you read my last entry, Stage 10, you learned about Ascent, when you experience nothing but pure immersion with Spirit.  You are then able to incorporate this experience and understanding into the deepest aspects of your being.

Now being in this experience of actually BEING love and light and actually BEING one with The Universe, do you think you would be able to DO much?

Probably not…

Stage 11 allows you to take the experience of Stage 10 and bring it to a more embodied place.  Your motivation is a pure desire to share your gifts with the world to give the world a more complete experience.

We really are all One, and you act with this understanding as your basis.

We are renewed beyond our limits and sense of self and enter into the world again.  We know that we are part of all we perceive and responsible for all that we know.  We live without being attached to our circumstances.  We love and we serve.  We participate in a larger circle of life, knowing our gifts and having a burning desire to effortlessly share them with the world, in service.  Our inner thoughts and desires are magically and naturally matched by our outer experience.  For extended periods, irrespective of external circumstance, I can find a place and experience compassion, empathy, love, forgiveness, and altruism.  I long to serve others with the gifts of my soul.  This is how I am, when I do what I do.

—SomatoRespiratory Integration Workbook


Adapted from The SomatoRespiratory Integration Workbook


Next Week:  Stage 12–Community