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Stage 9–Light Behind the Form

Energy Beyond Form

Filled with Love/Filled with Light

From our place of emptiness and gratitude, we can truly appreciate our energetic fullness.  Our inner sense runs as follows, “I sometimes feel the energy within my symptoms, underlying my emotions, within my spirit.  Sometimes I feel the energy between people, and the primary organizing subtle energy fields to which my body is connected.  I feel the energy in people’s words, their eyes, or their being.  I am more sensitive to love as a basic energy of the universe and find it all around me, and within me.  I am grateful for this energetic awakening.  I experience gratitude for the love within me and in the universe.

–SomatoRespiratory Integration Workbook

OK, so you released all of your old “stuff” in Stage 7, and you felt the emptiness and gratitude in its space once the “stuff” was gone in Stage 8.  When you feel emptiness and gratitude, what is left to come in and take over?

Love, light, and energy…

In Stage 9, you begin to feel the energetic connection that flows within yourself and between yourself and others.  Your thoughts begin to dissolve into energy–at this point, there are no words.  Because you are SO connected to others, you often begin to experience psychic and intuitive events.  You might begin to realize that you are not who you thought you were–that there is more to you that you have ever experienced before.  You truly understand that YOU are responsible for your vital life force and how you express it in the world.  You acknowledge and feel gratitude for your energetic flow rather than manipulate it.  This experience of energy is filled with awe, wonder, and a simply observe and experience it.

Stage 9 feels very similar to Stage 8 in the essence of gratitude.  However, the experience of energy is more specific in Stage 9.  Filling the emptiness of Stage 8 with the love and light of Stage 9 allows to you have the ability to experience the energetic strands within the events, circumstances, and people around you.

“Thank you for this life force and may it continue to flow through me.”

“Help me experience my energetic connection within myself and others.”

Next Week:  Stage 10–Ascent

–Written by Dr. Katie Fahnel, D.C. of Body Harmony Chiropractic, a partner of The Healing Loft.  Visit the Contact Information tab above to reach Dr. Katie.  Comments are welcome to this post!  Please leave them in the comment section below.